Raya has been able to travel via 10 free flights of healing and hope in just a month along with ground transportation to travel from Frenchville, ME to Boston, MA so she can receive treatment at Mass General Hospital for a rare form of Brain Cancer.
AFNE has coordinated 46 flights of healing & hope along with ground transportation for Nanette to travel from NY to Boston, MA so she can receive care & treatment at Dana Farber for her rare Salivary Gland Cancer.
Our AFNE Mission/Flight Coordinators have scheduled more than 60 free air & ground trips for Christian and his mom, Beth to travel from Burlington, VT to Boston Childrens Hospital and Philadelphia Childrens Hospital for medical care to address his rare disease.
Daniel was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer so when he was accepted into a clinical trial in PA, he turned to AFNE to assist him to travel safely to participate.
When Laura's doctor diagnosed her with a rare form of blood cancer and suggested she explore a potentially life-saving clinical trial in NJ, she immediately worried how would she get there. Angel Flights' provided vital free air transportation services so she could travel safely, quickly and efficiently from PA to NJ.
When Tammy, a member of the Angel Flight NE Family, called asking us to help a friend who desperately needed to travel from Florida to Vermont (with her leg in a full cast) after a traumatic incident while on vacation ~ AFNE Volunteer Pilot, Charlie T. answered the call!
With the help of our Earth Angels, Maine Cancer Foundation & Volunteer Pilots, we had the opportunity to connect with a lovely couple as they traveled to their appointments from Maine to Dana Farber in Boston. When they arrived at AFNE's office to meet their Earth Angel, we assured them that we would be there as often as they need us!
Adorable Bow needed to travel from Vermont to Boston for treatment of a rare condition and with the support of the Alexion Charitable Foundation and our amazing volunteer pilots, he was able to travel to meet with a specialist at Boston Children's Hospital.